Category: Community Outreach

VanDevere Cares – Haven of Rest

Haven of Rest

April edition of VanDevere Cares!

This month, we were able to help Haven of Rest Ministries Akron,OH by volunteering time to clean, prep, organize, and more! Specifically, we were able to help make 90 beds, dozens of visitor bins, and a lot of laundry. In total, we completed 27 service hours.
Thank you VanDevere team for taking time to help out the Akron community! Everyone put in a lot of work to make the Akron community a better place. We are getting closer to our 500 hours of service goal each month and we encourage the rest of our team to try to attend the next event. Next month we will be working with Veteran’s Memorial Park. Hope to see you there!

Family Center & Family Enrichment Center

VanDevere Cares: Family Center & Enrichment  Center

For the month of March, this bunch were able to support the Family Center and the Family Enrichment Center. These facilities were created for children and their families to connect, grow, and rebuild relationships.
The VanDevere Bunch gave back 35 hours of service to this amazing organization. Cleaning, sanitizing, building toys, organizing, and creating Easter baskets for the kids were some of the many activities they did while they were there.
Amazing job everyone who signed up and attended. We cannot wait until next months chance to support the community!

IDEA House


Great job VanDevere Bunch! For the month of January, the team was focused on helping IDEA House located in Canal Fulton, Ohio. IDEA House is a year-round education facility that focuses on primarily the autism community in this area. They are dedicated to educating students with different autistic spectrum disorders.

Thank you to this group for giving your time and effort towards organizing the building. They successfully cleaned the school house from top to bottom. It took them a combined 15 hours of time! The VanDevere Bunch truly knows how to get the job done right and quick the first time. Overall, way to get it clean and ready for the kids, which is what it’s all about!!!