Tag: Akron

Employee Spotlight: Jim Holland

Here we are again, sitting down with one of our team members to learn more about them. We love learning about our team! This month we are talking to Jim Holland, a body shop advisor at our Kia location. Jim has been with the company for over 16 years now. We sat down and gave Jim our usual “spotlight” questions and here is what we learned…

VanDevere: Hi Jim, thank you for taking the time to sit with us. We will start off easy… What is the best thing about your job?

Jim: The people I get to work with

VDV:It is a great team to be a part of. VanDevere cares about all customers and the Akron community! Giving back is such an important part of the job. In three words, how would you best describe VanDevere?

Jim: Family fun and integrity

VDV: All very true! What do you like to do when you are not at work?

Jim: Throw darts and go out doing fun activities with my wife.

VDV: Nothing better than family. I played darts for the first time this year! It is a lot of fun with friends and family members. What inspires you?

Jim: My Family! Always trying to do better and making sure to take care of my wife and daughter. She is 19 years old and goes to school at Miami University in Ohio.

VDV: Family is so important. They do make us want to be a better person to give them the best life. Fill in the blank: I once met….

Jim: Tom Cousinau! He was a Cleveland Browns player in the past. We helped service his vehicles all the time.

VDV: How cool! It is always fun meeting sports players and I love that he came to VanDevere for his service needs. Go Browns! If you could pick one superpower, what would it be?

Jim: The ability to teleport

VDV: That is the best power if you would like to travel! If you were to travel outside of Ohio, where would your favorite travel spot be?

Jim: Someplace warm and tropical like Hawaii. My wife and I are planning to go to Europe soon and that would be a great superpower to have when we are there

VDV: How awesome! Teleportation would be very nice when in Europe. A lot more countries and cities would be seen then. Now, do you have a favorite place to eat?

Jim: There are a bunch but some off the top of my head are Firehouse and Sammys in Tallmadge Circle

VDV: There are so many good local restaurants around us! I love that you enjoy trying new places. A big thank you to you, Jim, for taking the time to talk with us today. We appreciate your hard work over the past 16 years of employment with The Vandevere Bunch!

Employee Spotlight: Lance Woodring – Collision Center

This employee spotlight takes us to our Collision Center to chat with Lance Woodring. Lance has been with us for 3 years now and is one of our Body Shop Estimators. If you follow along
with our Halloween pictures Lance is also known as Mr. Mayhem. See the attached picture. Congrats on the 3 years here at VanDevere. We appreciate you.

VanDevere: Thank you for sitting down with us Lance. What is the best thing about your job?

Lance: I enjoy working with the hysterical Jim Holland.

VanDevere: it is a bonus to have great coworkers. What is the best thing about VanDevere?

Lance: I would have to be the feel of family here.

VanDevere: We hear that a lot. What 3 words would you use to describe VanDevere?

Lance: I think it is supportive, caring, and giving.

VanDevere: Good words! Let’s get off the topic of work. What do you like to do when not at work?

Lance: I enjoy doing home renovations, gardening and motocross.

VanDevere: Awesome. What inspires you?

Lance: Chris Braurer.

VanDevere: You would tell us if he made you say that wouldn’t you? It is good to have a boss the
inspires. Fill in the blank: I once met _______________.

Lance: I once met Tom Cousineau.

VanDevere: We had to google that but that is pretty cool. (He was an NFL player.) If you could pick one superpower, what would it be?

Lance: I would want to be the Invisible Man.

VanDevere: Nice. What is your favorite travel spot?

Lance: I like to be at home with a campfire and a beer hanging out with my new wife.

VanDevere: Sounds nice, and congrats. What is your favorite local place to eat?

Lance: Akron Family Restaurant

VanDevere: Ok last one is and easy and fun one What is your dream car?

Lance: I want a 1967 Hurst Olds 442!

VanDevere: Great choice, that is a righteous car. Thank you again on you 3 years on the team and for letting us peek into your life.

Oil Changes For A Cause: Akron Canton Regional Food Bank

During the time of April 16th – 30th, The VanDevere Bunch donated $25 to the Akron Canton Regional Food Bank for every oil change performed at one of our 3 service locations.

We are proud to present this check for $18,025 to this great organization that continues to support the members of our community by providing meals to those who are in need.

Thank you to all our customers that helped us in supporting the Akron Canton Regional Food Bank. In this difficult time, we are in this together.