Tag: Chevrolet

Employee Spotlight: Betty Atkinson

Here we are again, sitting down with one of our team members to learn more about them. We love learning about our team! This month we are talking to Betty Atkinson, an accounting clerk for our Chevrolet location. Betty has been with the company for over 10 years now. We sat down and gave Betty our usual “spotlight” questions and here is what we learned…

VanDevere: Hi Betty, thank you for taking the time to sit with us. We will start off easy… What is the best thing about your job?

Betty: Being able to work each day with my daughter, Kelly McVey

VDV: So many employees work with their family members. What a great feeling to get to see your daughter during the week and working side by side with her. It takes the VanDevere family to a new level! What is the best thing about VanDevere?

Betty: They are truly a caring family. Everyone is always friendly and curious about how you are doing.

VDV: It is a great feeling to work with such caring co-workers. In three words, how would you best describe VanDevere?

Betty: Caring, Friendly, Compassionate

VDV: Compassionate is a great word to describe the team! It is how we work so well as a team and with our customers. What do you like to do when you are not at work?

Betty: I love to attend Southern Gospel Concerts

VDV: Great activity. Concerts in general are always a great time. What inspires you?

Betty: Knowing I can come to work where what you do is appreciated.

VDV: It is a powerful thing knowing that you are appreciated and that your work makes a difference. Where is your favorite place to travel?

Betty: Anywhere warm and close to the beach

VDV: I agree. There is no better feeling than sun on your skin and sand under your feet. Now, do you have a favorite place to eat?

Betty: I love seafood and steak!

VDV: Surf and Turf! Always a great combo. I personally believe that being on the beach and somewhere warm with fresh seafood cannot be beat. Do you have a dream car that may take you to such restaurants or vacation spots?

Betty: When I was younger I believe it would have been a red Corvette, but now I am much older so my red Equinox wins

VDV: You are working at the right store then! You cannot go wrong with an Equinox. Happy to hear that you kept the red color in mind! A big thank you to you, Betty, for taking the time to talk with us today. We appreciate your hard work over the past 10 years of employment with The Vandevere Bunch!

Employee Spotlight: Alicia Cruz

Here we are again, sitting down with one of our team members to learn more about them. We love learning about our team! This month we are talking to Alicia Cruz, a service, parts counter person at our Chevrolet location. Alicia has been with the company for over 3 years now. We sat down and gave Amy our usual “spotlight” questions and here is what we learned…

VanDevere: Hi Alicia, thank you for taking the time to sit with us. We will start off easy… What is the best thing about your job?

Alicia: The people I work with are like minded

VDV: It is great to work with a team that shares the same values. The VanDevere core values are a big part of how we treat our customers and each other. What is the best thing about VanDevere?

Alicia: The Family philosophy and I love that everyone gets their hands dirty.

VDV: It truly is like one big happy family! Everyone puts in a lot of time and effort to accomplish goals. Like you said, no one is afraid to get their hands dirty and help each other out. In three words, how would you best describe VanDevere?

Alicia: Caring, Family, Opportunity

VDV: All very true! What do you like to do when you are not at work?

Alicia: Spend time with family, play with puppies, sit on the deck, and listen to music

VDV: Nothing better than family, dogs and relaxing! What inspires you?

Alicia: Positive energy and inclusion

VDV: That is a great attitude to have. Fill in the blank: I once met….

Alicia: Michael Stanley! I worked with his daughter and had dinner at his house.

VDV: How cool! What a great opportunity to meet a local Rock and Roll Hall of Fame singer/songwriter. Where is your favorite place to travel?

Alicia: To fly! Instead of reading or watching about places, I could visit them.

VDV: Agreed! You would be able to enjoy so many more amazing things and get there with ease. Where would be your first place you would like to travel?

Alicia: Finger Lakes, New York! Hiking in Watkins Glen, wineries

VDV: Awesome! You even would be able to go try new restaurants and food because of the ease of flying there. Now, do you have a favorite place to eat?

Alicia: Shogun, Sake & Sushi

VDV: Could not agree more. Sushi is one of my personal favorites. A big thank you to you, Alicia, for taking the time to talk with us today. We appreciate your hard work over the past 3 years of employment with The Vandevere Bunch!

Next Generation Chevy Bolt EV

From: https://media.chevrolet.com/media/us/en/chevrolet/news.detail.html/content/Pages/news/us/en/2023/jul/0725-chevrolet.html

GM Chair and CEO Mary Barra announced during the company’s quarterly earnings conference call that Chevrolet will introduce a next-generation Bolt, continuing to deliver what customers have come to expect: great affordability, range and technology.

“Our customers love today’s Bolt. It has been delivering record sales and some of the highest customer satisfaction and loyalty scores in the industry,” said Barra. “It’s also an important source of conquest sales for the company and for Chevrolet.”

“We will keep the momentum going by delivering a new Bolt…and we will execute it more quickly compared to an all-new program with significantly lower engineering expense and capital investment by updating the vehicle with Ultium and Ultifi technologies and by applying our ‘winning with simplicity’ discipline.”

Drawing on various Ultium and Ultifi technological advancements will help GM bring this popular model back to market on an accelerated timeline. Timing and specific details about the next-generation Bolt will be announced at a later date. The Bolt is expected to join Chevrolet’s growing lineup of all-electric vehicles, three of which are launching this year —Silverado EV, Blazer EV and Equinox EV.

From its market introduction in 2017, the Chevrolet Bolt changed the game as the first long-range, mass-produced EV available to customers at a truly affordable price. Sales of Bolt EV and Bolt EUV through the first half of 2023 have been the strongest to date. Eighty percent of Bolt owners are staying loyal to Chevy and nearly 70 percent of buyers who are trading in a vehicle for Bolt are trading in a non-GM product.

Full Article: https://media.chevrolet.com/media/us/en/chevrolet/news.detail.html/content/Pages/news/us/en/2023/jul/0725-chevrolet.html