This month the VanDevere employees Jeans Day will be sponsoring the Battered Women’s Shelter of Summit and Medina counties. Employees can donate needed items or money and VanDevere will match the donations!
Items that are requested are cleaning supplies, paper products, clothing and toiletries. If you would like to donate any items or make a monetary donation (that will be matched by VanDevere) drop them off at any of our locations!
“There is Hope…for families of violence, women, men and children who are in danger of physical, emotional and sexual abuse. The Battered Women’s Shelter of Summit and Medina Counties provides emergency services and supportive services to victims seeking to end family violence. Unlike other agencies that focus on victims of all types of crime, BWS is the only agency in Summit/Median County that focus on family violence, intervention and prevention.” (BWS Website)
VanDevere Jeans Days….Changing Lives!