Category: Employee Spotlight

Employee Spotlight: Jamie Robertson



Here we are again, sitting down with one of our team members to learn more about them. We love learning about our team! This month we are talking to Jamie Robertson, Human Resources for all store locations. Jamie has been with the company for almost 6 years now. We sat down and gave Jamie our usual “spotlight” questions and here is what we learned…

VanDevere: Hi Jamie, thank you for taking the time to sit with us. We will start off easy… What is the best thing about your job?

Jamie: Helping the employees with benefits and onboarding new employees

VDV: Working with these employees is always a great time! We have the best staff and adding to the bunch is a great part of your job. What is the best thing about VanDevere?

Jamie: All of the extra activities that are created for the employees. For example: food trucks, contests, & cookouts. Not the same “old grind” everyday.

VDV: I agree! Having fun is a big part of the VanDevere core values. We also want to show all our appreciation for all the hard work the employees do with these activities. Personally, I love our employee picnic that is coming up next month. In three words, how would you best describe VanDevere?

Jamie: Fun, Caring, Crazy (in a good way)

VDV: Never a dull moment here! No two days are the same and it makes it exciting to come to work. What do you like to do when you are not at work?

Jamie: Bake, music, dabble in playing drums, & garden

VDV: All great activities! Personally I have tried your baking and it is amazing. I love that you are participate in the Italian fest each year. Next, I will have to hear you play the drums! What inspires you?

Jamie: My family – husband, son & daughter

VDV: Family is so important and it sounds like you have a great one that supports you everyday. Fill in the blank… I once met….

Jamie: The Cleveland Indians in the mid 1990’s at a spring training in Winter Haven Florida 

VDV: How cool, getting to meet the home team in a warm travel spot instead of cold Ohio! Speaking of travel, where is your favorite place to go? 

Jamie: Key West, Caribbean, or any cruise ship

VDV: I have never been on a cruise! I have always heard they are a great time and a perfect way to see different parts of the world in a short period of time. Now, do you have a favorite place to eat?

Jamie: Harpoon Hannah’s in Ocean City, MD

VDV: I have never been there before, but if I do, I will be sure to give it a try. A big thank you to you, Jamie, for taking the time to talk with us today. We appreciate your hard work over the past 6 years of employment with The Vandevere Bunch! 

Employee Spotlight: Josh Lemasters

Here we are again, sitting down with one of our team members to learn more about
them. We love learning about our team! This month we are talking to Josh Lemasters, a
sales consultant for our Outlet location. Josh has been with the company for over 3
years now. We sat down and gave Josh our usual “spotlight” questions and here is what
we learned…

VanDevere: Hi Josh, thank you for taking the time to sit with us. We will start off easy…
What is the best thing about your job?
Josh: I never dread coming to work

VDV: It is truly a blessing to find work that does not quite feel like work. We are just here to help
customers, the Akron community and have fun with the team! What is the best thing about
Josh: They actively care about their employees.

VDV: I agree. Everyone asks how they are and how they can help. The VanDevere team just
wants each individual to feel welcomed and that they have the opportunity to grow here. In
three words, how would you best describe VanDevere?

Josh: Honest, Helpful and Fair

VDV: All great ways to describe the character of the company. What do you like to do
when you are not at work?

Josh: video games, hiking, hanging out with friends and girlfriend. I also enjoy going to music
festivals when they are in town.
VDV: All great activities! Music Festivals are great ways to have fun with friends and family.
What inspires you?

Josh: Being able to buy a nice place someday and have enough money to support my family
VDV: It’s a goal I think we all mutually share and strive for. Our families are so important
and want to be sure that they live the best possible life. Fill in the blank… I once met….
Josh: Willie Nelson!

VDV: How fun! Seeing him in concert would be a great time. That could be one of your
next festival trips! Speaking of travel, where is your favorite place to go?

Josh: Anywhere a cruise can take me!
VDV: I have never been on a cruise! I have always heard they are a great time and a
perfect way to see different parts of the world in a short period of time. Now, do you
have a favorite place to eat?
Josh: Toko! It is a sushi spot in Kent.

VDV: I love sushi! I will have to try that one out. There are a lot of great places to go in
Akron as well. Do you have a dream car?
Josh: I would like to drive a 2024 Chevy Trax

VDV: Awesome vehicle! Good thing VanDevere has a Chevy store to purchase your
dream car at! A big thank you to you, Josh, for taking the time to talk with us today. We
appreciate your hard work over the past 3 years of employment with The Vandevere

Employee Spotlight: Betty Atkinson

Here we are again, sitting down with one of our team members to learn more about them. We love learning about our team! This month we are talking to Betty Atkinson, an accounting clerk for our Chevrolet location. Betty has been with the company for over 10 years now. We sat down and gave Betty our usual “spotlight” questions and here is what we learned…

VanDevere: Hi Betty, thank you for taking the time to sit with us. We will start off easy… What is the best thing about your job?

Betty: Being able to work each day with my daughter, Kelly McVey

VDV: So many employees work with their family members. What a great feeling to get to see your daughter during the week and working side by side with her. It takes the VanDevere family to a new level! What is the best thing about VanDevere?

Betty: They are truly a caring family. Everyone is always friendly and curious about how you are doing.

VDV: It is a great feeling to work with such caring co-workers. In three words, how would you best describe VanDevere?

Betty: Caring, Friendly, Compassionate

VDV: Compassionate is a great word to describe the team! It is how we work so well as a team and with our customers. What do you like to do when you are not at work?

Betty: I love to attend Southern Gospel Concerts

VDV: Great activity. Concerts in general are always a great time. What inspires you?

Betty: Knowing I can come to work where what you do is appreciated.

VDV: It is a powerful thing knowing that you are appreciated and that your work makes a difference. Where is your favorite place to travel?

Betty: Anywhere warm and close to the beach

VDV: I agree. There is no better feeling than sun on your skin and sand under your feet. Now, do you have a favorite place to eat?

Betty: I love seafood and steak!

VDV: Surf and Turf! Always a great combo. I personally believe that being on the beach and somewhere warm with fresh seafood cannot be beat. Do you have a dream car that may take you to such restaurants or vacation spots?

Betty: When I was younger I believe it would have been a red Corvette, but now I am much older so my red Equinox wins

VDV: You are working at the right store then! You cannot go wrong with an Equinox. Happy to hear that you kept the red color in mind! A big thank you to you, Betty, for taking the time to talk with us today. We appreciate your hard work over the past 10 years of employment with The Vandevere Bunch!