- Charity purchases tickets from VanDevere to sell in your raffle
- Charity completes Google Sheets spreadsheet of all participants with names and contact info and must inform VanDevere it has been completed (already shared with VanDevere)
- Charity returns all tickets stubs to VanDevere by the date on contract
- VanDevere draws a winning ticket
- VanDevere calls winner live and notifies them that they won
- VanDevere notifies charity of the winner
- Winner has 7 days from date of drawing to decide if they want lease or cash option
- Winner Selection
- LEASE. If winner chooses lease:
- VanDevere needs to locate vehicle
- VanDevere works up one-payment lease on vehicle and donates (writes check) the exact amount for the one-payment lease price to charity (total amount including lease taxes)
- Charity in-turn writes a check back to VanDevere to pay for the one-payment lease
- Winner completes all lease paperwork (in their name) when they come in for photo-op
- CASH. If winner chooses cash:
- VanDevere donates (writes check) to charity for the cash prize of $2,500
- Charity needs winner to sign a W-9 form and in-turn writes their own check to the winner for the cash prize of $2,500
- Charity can offer to withhold taxes (25%) for the winner but may not be obligated (charity should consult their tax accountant for advice)
- Charity to give cash prize check to winner after charity and winner come to VanDevere for photo-op
- LEASE. If winner chooses lease:
- Charity needs to send VanDevere a donation acknowledgement letter for the value of the lease (will vary) or the cash prize ($2,500) specifically stating that “no goods or services were received in return for this gift”
- VanDevere schedules with charity and winner a day/time to come in
- Charity accompanies winner to VanDevere for photo opportunity
- Winner signs standard release form
- VanDevere takes photo of winner
- If winner chooses lease, they sign lease contract and take deliver of vehicle
- If winner chooses cash, charity has winner complete W-9 form and hands the winner their prize check after photo is taken
- Charity sends the winner a 1099 for the value of the one-payment lease or the cash option amount of $2,500 as the customer owes income tax on the winnings