Tag: Chevrolet

Employee Spotlight: Vong Sanouvong

Here we are again, sitting down with one of our team members to learn more about them. We love learning about our team! This month we are talking to Vong Sanouvong, a reconditioning technician at our Chevrolet location. Vong has been with the company for 13 years now. We sat down and gave Vong our normal “spotlight” questions and here is what we learned!

VanDevere: Hi Vong, thank you for taking the time to sit with us. We will start off easy… What is the best thing about your job?

Vong: I would say the comradery of the team. We always have each other’s backs.

VDV: That’s great! We do have such a great team of coworkers. Also, fun activities like holiday contests and dressing up for Halloween. What are 3 words you would use to describe VanDevere?

Vong: Family. Oriented. Company.

VDV: Love to see how much the company feels like home! We also help so many Akron non profit organizations which really makes it feel like home. What do you like to do when you are not at work?

Vong: Spending time with my family is always a great way to spend my time. I also attend fishing tournaments!

VDV: There is nothing better than family! It is amazing that you do Fishing tournaments too. How did you get started with pro fishing tournaments? Do you usually travel for these events?

Vong: I got started in 2011 and loved everything about fishing so I decided to see if I could take it a step further and join tournaments. I get to travel instate and outside of

Ohio too. I am actually going to be participating in the Bass World Championship at Lake Murray South Carolina. I will be able to represent my home country of Laos.

VDV: This is amazing! Good luck in South Carolina’s tournament. We hope to be able to see you on TV! Who/What inspired you to do this?

Vong: A man named Jacob Wheeler! He is the number one fish angler in the world! He is definitely a world class fisherman.

VDV: It is great to have such an amazing role model. I once met ____________!

Vong: I was actually able to meet Jacob Wheeler!

VDV: That is Crazy! What a great experience to meet the person that got you into the sport. Speaking of superhuman fisherman players, if you could pick one superpower, what would it be?

Vong: Mind Reading for sure.

VDV: Who would be the first person you would utilize your superpower on?

Vong: I would read my wife’s mind!

VDV: What a great answer. Would also love to be able to read people’s minds. Now, locally, do you have a favorite place to eat or visit in your city?

Vong: I love to go to Fisherman Central. I find a lot of bait and tackle items there

VDV: Great place to be for a fisherman! Last question, since we are in the car business, what is your dream car?

Vong: I would love a brand new 2023 Toyota Tundra TRD!

VDV: That is great for all your fisherman needs! Especially since it will be able to carry your boat with ease. A big thank you to you, Vong, for taking the time to talk with us today. We appreciate your 13 years of employment with The Vandevere Bunch. We all wish you the best of luck in the tournament in South Carolina. Cheers to you!

Check Out The All New 2023 Colorado

From: https://media.chevrolet.com/media/us/en/chevrolet/news.detail.html/content/Pages/news/us/en/2022/jul/0728-colorado.html

Chevrolet today introduced the all-new 2023 Colorado offering customers greater performance, capability and customization, plus a refreshed exterior and interior design.

“The all-new Colorado is enhanced in every way,” said Scott Bell, global vice president of Chevrolet. “With its rugged and sporty styling, enhanced capability, new technology and customization options, it’s designed to do more for discerning customers and still offer them great value.”

Designers and engineers focused on three key categories to take the Colorado to the next level: elevated design, enhanced performance and new and useful technology. Each category weaves into a streamlined lineup built around a single wheelbase and single cab configuration to create a unified Colorado pickup family.

The 2023 Colorado lineup includes Work Truck (WT), LT, Z71, ZR2 and first-ever Trail Boss models. The lineup features three distinctive chassis stances to optimize each model’s capabilities. Together, they compose a more diverse range of choices tailored to the distinctive ways customers use their trucks for work and recreational activities, including off-roading.
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Employee Spotlight: Rich Borodkin

This month we sat down with VanDevere Chevy Equity Manager, Rich Borodkin. Rich has been with the company for 13 years! We took some time to get to know him a little better, with our normal line of questioning.

VanDevere: Hi Rich, congrats on the 13 years here and thank you for sitting down with us. We will start easy… What is the best thing about your job?

Rich: The best thing is when the customer takes deliver for the first time, they are so excited. They are smiling and glowing.

VDV: That has to be a great feeling to help them get in their new car. What is the best thing about VanDevere?

RB: I think the best thing about VanDevere is the family atmosphere.

VDV: We hear that a lot in these interviews. What are 3 words you would use to describe VanDevere?

RB: Hmm, the three words would be family, friendly and fun!

VDV: Ah yes, gotta have the fun in there. Let’s move to something not work related. What do you like to do when you are not at work?

RB: I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I also enjoy playing the drums at my church.

VDV: That is pretty cool! What (who) inspires you?

RB: That is easy, my family inspires me to move forward for them. Emily, Jared and Julia are my 3 children and my wife, Michelle.

VDV: That is awesome. Nice to see that you are so close with your family. If you could pick one superpower, what would it be?

RB: I would want to be Spiderman, so I could climb and jump tall buildings and such.

VDV: Ha, nice. That would be fun!