VanDevere Cares – Medina County SPCA

Medina County SPCA – VanDevere Employee Volunteering

We were very excited to have the opportunity to help Medina County SPCA this past weekend. Our team was able to help landscape this great organizations grounds. Everything went well and it was a nice sunny day to do it.  Not a cloud in the sky! They were very appreciative of our time assisting the building’s outdoor spaces. I think it is ready for pets to be adopted and meet their new owners!

We officially added 15 more hours to our end of the year goal of 500 hours. Our next giving back opportunity is at Coventry local schools to help uplift the exterior of the buildings. This event will be on Tuesday, August 15th.

Employee Spotlight: Colten Emerick

Here we are again, sitting down with one of our team members to learn more about them. We love learning about our team! This month we are talking to Colten Emerick, a Sales Consultant at our Chevrolet location. Colten has been with the company for over 5 years now. We sat down and gave Colten our usual “spotlight” questions and here is what we learned…

VanDevere: Hi Colten, thank you for taking the time to sit with us. We will start off easy… What is the best thing about your job?

Colten: The best thing I like about my job is being able to turn peoples thoughts around about the car business. By being able to give a customer a great experience and make them feel at home, I am able to restore their faith in the car business. I very much enjoy making people’s day and putting a smile on their face

VDV: It is a great opportunity to be able to help people and make them smile. I also appreciate your hard work to ensure customers that you are always there to help! What is the best thing about VanDevere?

Colten: The best thing about VanDevere is that we are all very close with each other. A lot of the employees spend time with each other outside of work and it makes for a great work environment.

VDV: I agree, this bunch is awesome! We are just one big happy family here. What are 3 words you would use to describe VanDevere?

Colten: Three words I would use to describe VanDevere are INVITING, TRANSPARENT, and WHOLESOME!

VDV: These are all so very true. It is definitely what all our employees do and are important qualities within VanDevere. What do you like to do when you are not at work?

Colten: When I am not at work I enjoy going on trips, hiking with my wife, fishing with my younger brother, and golfing with my co-workers.

VDV: This team is always so fun! Golfing is definitely a fan favorite at VanDevere. We actually have golf outings twice a year and I hope to see you there! There are also so many good places near and far to hike and fish. Definitely great pass times… which reminds me…  if you could pick one superpower, what would it be?

Colten: If I could pick one superpower it would probably be the ability to control time!

VDV: That would be awesome! You could relive some of those awesome trips with family and friends or make time go slower or faster! What is your favorite travel spot?

Colten: My favorite travel spot is Asheville, NC. My wife and I enjoy that place so much that we actually ended up getting married there!

VDV: Awesome! I have never been but I was told that it is beautiful and a lot of fun. Now, do you have a favorite place to eat?

Colten: My favorite place to eat is Al’s Corner Market in Barberton. They have the best Hungarian food which is my favorite type of food.

VDV: Sounds so good! I will have to make a trip to try it. Last question, since we are in the car business, what is your dream car?

Colten: My dream car would probably be the new C8 Corvette!

VDV: Definitely an amazing car! I would have to get it in all black if I could be picky. Great pick! A big thank you to you, Colten, for taking the time to talk with us today. We appreciate your hard work over the past 5 years of employment with The Vandevere Bunch!

VanDevere Cares – National Interstate 8K Race

National Interstate 8K Race – VanDevere Employee Volunteering

National Interstate Insurance Company Akron Marathon had the National Interstate 8K Race this weekend! Our team was able to provide water and give support to those who participated in the race. In total, we prepped the Fluid Stations and then served water/Gatorade to over 1,000 runners!
We appreciated the opportunity to volunteer for this big event. Our team had a lot of fun contributing their time and energy to aid the participants. We added 14 more service hours to our yearly goal of 500 hours!
On to the next employee volunteer event at Medina County SPCA. This event is on July 19th where we will be able to help animals find a new forever home. We cannot wait to support!